Thursday, June 7, 2012

Romania Prayer Requests


My husband, Austin, and I work for Youth for Christ Military Youth Ministry through an organization called Club Beyond. (you can read my other posts about our work for more information). What that basically means is Austin is a youth pastor for the children of military personnel who are stationed in Heidelberg, Germany. We hold weekly outreach Clubs, weekly discipleship Bible Studies (like youth group), fun special events, a high school winter camp called Winter Blitz, a middle school camp over Spring Break called Adventure Camp, and a high school service project in the summer.

This year, our service project is in Romania! We leave a week from tomorrow, and we are super excited! We are taking 44 students from our community (Heidelberg), and we will be meeting up with about 300 other military teens from all over Europe (to see where Club Beyond is, click here)! It's going to be an incredible trip!!!

For ten days, I will post a specific prayer request here on the blog, and we would greatly appreciate your prayers!

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment here or shoot me an e-mail at hossandkatylin{at}gmail{dot}com

Happy Thursday!

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