I really do.
Well, I like the idea of blogging.
And I like trolling for "blog inspiration."
I just have no blogging groove.
But I do love this blog. I love everything about ~ My Husband Rocks! ~ Fridays, and I have a pretty amazing life, and TONS of stories to tell. I just need to get back on the horse.
Baby steps.
Awesome stuff from the past ten days:
*Spectacular 7 (minus 3 :( ) reunion Pancakes & Pajamas Party at our place was pretty fantastic. (The Spectacular Seven was the name of my small group at Winter Blitz).
*Getting to hang out with one of my favorite high school students, "K" for nearly the entire weekend :)
*Amazing prayer breakfast on post with a lot of wonderful officers and chaplains!
Some stuff I'm looking forward to, and that I might blog about in the future:
*Going to Colorado - We have our Youth For Christ MidWinter conference in Denver this week, so we fly tomorrow morning! Also super excited that we get to see family and friends who conveniently live very close by, and CRAZY excited about our extended layover to visit Mike & Julia in SC! :)
*The Whole30 - After we get home, Austin and I will be embarking on a nutritional adventure of epic proportions! Click here for all the details.
*The In-Laws are coming! And I'm super excited (really!)!!! Austin's parents are scheduled to come and visit us in May, and they already have plane tickets and passports, so it's really happening! We have a pretty awesome couple of weeks mapped out while they're here, and we are so excited for them to see where we live all the way across the ocean!
Well, that's life in a nutshell for now.

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