. . . the commonality of Christ!
Yesterday's post about friends got me thinking about all of the wonderful people we have come into contact with over the past year. We have been in 15 countries since January 7, 2010, and in each of those countries we worked with different missionaries or ministry organizations. No matter where we went or who we were helping, we were welcomed with open arms and we left with friendships that will last into eternity!
How is that possible? We weren't just two random people be-bopping around hither and yon helping other random people. Before we ever met, we loved each other with the supernatural love of the family of God.
If you've never experienced the feeling of instant camaraderie with brothers and sisters in Christ, it sounds kind of hokie, I'll admit it, but it is truly one of the most precious gifts God has given me this year.
The most poignant instance that comes to mind is the time that we spent in Peru. We were working with Wycliffe Bible Translators to help build a translation center. We stayed in the existing center where the translation work happens during the day, and every morning we participated in the daily devotions with all of the staff who are working on the translation of the Bible into East Appurimac Quechua. We were working with two other missionary couples who spoke English, but apart from that, the translation staff spoke little or no English. Devotions were held in Spanish and/or Quechua and one of the missionaries would whisper translations to us. In spite of the strong language barrier, everyone on the translation center staff truly loved us and welcomed us warmly in every setting. At the end of our time there they gathered around us and prayed for us, and many of us shed tears at our parting. Even though this side of eternity our communication was stilted at best, these dear people are part of our family!
God is so good!
Happy Monday!