PDA stands for President's Day Adventures, in this case. ;)
Click here to read Part 1!Click here to read Part 2!
Click here to read Part 3!
Click here to read Part 4!
Click here to read Part 5!
Welcome back! If you're just joining us, please use the links above to read parts one through five.
When last we left our intrepid travelers, we were enjoying our final breakfast in Italy! Since we were enjoying said breakfast right next door to the car rental office, we were inside as soon as the doors were open. The kind gentleman who ran the place, and thankfully spoke great English, welcomed us inside and asked us to wait a moment while he got everything up and running for the day. When he was ready, he called Austin over to the counter and asked for his name. He punched a few buttons on the computer and then looked up at Austin and said, "I have no reservation for you."
. . .
Nikki and I were sitting a few feet away doing our very best not to hyperventilate.
. . .
The rental car manager checked his fax machine a second time, and, praise the Lord, found our rental agreement! He had Austin sign a couple of papers, and showed us to our rental chariot! A tiny Nissan Micra. We strategically shoehorned all of our belongings into the car, and we were (once again) on our way home!

Our little rental!
The drive home was blessedly uneventful, except for a short stop to buy a second Austrian vignette (see part one for an explanation of the vignette process).
Shane was able to get in touch with his commanding officer so that he would not be in hot water over not reporting at the start of the day, and we made it back to Hohenfels early in the afternoon. Much to the delight of the PWOC events team for whom the four of us were scheduled to babysit that night!
That's right, a few short hours later, the four of us, who had travelled for 36+ hours, welcomed a couple dozen of our favorite kiddos to the Club Beyond building so their parents could enjoy the PWOC Valentine's Day Date Night!
Though it was a long and involved ordeal to get from point A to point B, we ended up with some great memories and one heck of a story! (And I learned to drive a stick shift in the rental car, which was a nice added bonus!) Thanks for journeying with us! Stay tuned for more fun adventure stories, and let me know what you're liking, what you're not, and what you'd like more of!
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