Monday, August 11, 2008

Computers . . . can't live with them . . . really hard to live without them!!!

Especially as a blogger! Ugh! I feel like I have been so disconnected from all of you for way too long! We had a fabulous trip, but one un-fabulous part of the week was that my laptop decided to conk out on me on Sunday. The second day of our trip, we still had seven days to go! "Random hardware failure" Dell called it! Nothing to be done until I got it home. This means that I was completely out of the loop for an. entire. week. I missed every featured blogger at SITS all week! I wasn't able to participate in Marriage Builder Monday, Real Raggin' Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, or Then Sings my Soul Saturday! And I missed out on Tom and Jan's fun tea party! :( I just found out about Debbie's wonderful idea! I missed reading everybody's wonderful insights, and I was completely helpless to do anything about MHR Friday!!!! Absolutely insane!


I will catch everybody up on all of the excitement of our very first ever married vacation later today, but I just wanted to take this opportunity to apologize for being SOOOOO m.i.a. :) I've missed you all terribly!



  1. KatyLin,
    It's good to have you back! :) Well, all I can say is that though you missed all of us, and we all missed you, the Lord must have wanted you to have a completely "uncomputerized" vacation with your hubbins. So, think of it as a special blessing.
    Have a blessed day!

  2. We missed you! Glad you're back, but I agree with kathy c, you must have needed unplugged time with Austin. : )

  3. I was thinking about MHR...
    have you thought about using "Mr Linky" for the participants? Might be a whole lot easier for everyone to particpate and find each other's MHR posts. Just a suggestion. :-)

  4. Glad you're back! Can't wait to hear all about your vacation!

  5. Nothing escapes you!! LOL!!! You knew you were MIA...and so did we!!!

    Missed you...glad you're back!!!


  6. Glad you got to have a vacation without a computer, I too felt very left out while in Florida without a connection but I made it through as did you. Cant wait to hear all about your vacation and glad to see you back.

  7. Have the shakes stopped yet? I hear the withdrawals are AWFUL!

  8. Just had to comment and say how much I like your blog cute!

  9. You were definitely missed! Glad you're back. :)

  10. Hi Katy Lin,

    I've missed you but God obviously had other plans for you. I think he wanted you to totally relax with your husband.

    Welcome back.


  11. Hi there. just wanna tell you that I left you the ingresdients on the comments page on my blog . Glad you stopped by again

  12. Thanks so much for coming to visit at Trash Towers up here on the hill. It was lovely to meet you.

  13. Glad you are back...and I dread the day my laptop conks out. I just keep trying to be nice to it! Thanks for the shout out! I need to make my regular rounds once this BATW thing settles down. I haven't forgotten about you!

  14. Yay! I'm so thrilled you're back! You were missed! I'm sorry I'm just now stopping by...I was experiencing technical difficulties with Blogger. I can't wait to hear all about your first married vacation! Have a great day!


Always great to hear from you! I ALWAYS read your comments, and they make my day!

Thank you!