Monday, July 27, 2009

Motivate Me Monday ~ Thoughts on Prayer

Composing Hallelujahs

Since we are in the midst of a series on Praying for our Husbands, and because it is a topic that has been very prevalent in my mind recently, the following thoughts really jumped out at me when I was flipping through a small devotional book at Bryce & Thelma's house this weekend:


Even though it is often difficult for us to pray when we find ourselves in the middle of great trials, that is exactly the time when we most need to pray. Every time we pray, whether it feels like it or not, we are brought into the very throne room of heaven. Jesus himself ushers our prayers into the presence of the Father, and that alone assures us that they will be heard and answered. Prayer is a matter of obedience, but it is also a matter of survival. Prayer is the lifeline of the soul, and we cannot afford to do without it.
So let us pray to the God who hears and answers. Jesus has promised he will see to it that our requests get God's personal attention.

~ Jan Draveky


God invites us to take all our concerns to him. He never qualifies those concerns as big ones or little ones. His Word says every concern of ours is a concern of his.
I have assumed his attitude toward us is one of immense care. But that doesn't mean I should toss daily trivia to him, does it? The trouble with my thinking is I don't know at what point of my "carings" to bring God into the picture. What constitutes the cutoff point between big and small?
The notion of bringing God into everything has nothing to do with trivializing him; it has to do with the privilege of partnering with him. When I include God on my wild washing-machine rides and as I mentally travel in circles with my computer and its attitude. I'm cheered by his companionship and the knowledge that I'm in partnership with him.

~ Marilyn Meberg

Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. "I'm cheered by his companionship and the knowledge that I'm in partnership with him."

    Love this line. Time to think: Am I cheered by God's companionship?


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