Click here to read about why I started MHR Fridays!
If you've never read the book Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, I would highly recommend it. In the first couple of chapters, Dr. E describes what he calls the "crazy cycle" in which a husband and wife often find themselves. Basically it starts out with the wife being disrespectful to her husband, so he responds by being unloving, which only inspires her to be more disrespectful, and you see how it can all go downhill from there. Anyone who has ever been married can understand how easy it is to find oneself on this cycle, and it is not a fun ride!
Well, last night I got the cycle spinning but good. I was being a first-class brat, and at first, Austin spun right along with me. But then his whole demeanor changed. He made the concious decision to be the bigger person, and he loved me (in my own "language") in spite of my nasty, spiteful, disrespectful attitude.
It's heartbreakingly wonderful to be loved like that!
Why does your spouse rock this week?

I am the only person who has the ability to add blogs to the MHR blogroll. If you are a MHR blogger, and have not been added to the blogroll, plase comment or e-mail me at katylinvw{at}yahoo{dot}com and I will gladly add you to our little group!!!
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If you're not a blogger, but still want the world to know about your amazing husband (or wife, or husband to be, or wife to be, etc.) leave a shout-out in the form of a comment! If you're unable to comment, e-mail me at katylinvw [at] yahoo [dot] com and I'll add your shout out to this post!
As always, on Fridays Union 28 will refund your shipping on any order of two or more items if you mention the great adventure and ~my husband rocks! Fridays~ in the "how did you hear about us?" section of your order form, so run on over there and check them out, too! Thank you Union 28!
Hope you all have a fantastic Friday, and a wonderful weekend!