Click here to read about why I started MHR Fridays!
I think I may have used this reason sometime in the past, but it's one that I just keep coming back to. It's the one that would have been a deal breaker for whether or not we would have ever gotten together, and it's the one that keeps us together even when in our humanness we would just as soon rip each others' heads off!
What has impressed this upon my mind the most this week is in his zeal and passion for being who God wants him to be and doing what God wants him to do and going where God wants him to go. Always. No matter what it costs or who thinks he's crazy. I am convinced that this facet of his character is the one that is the most crucial for the health and happiness of our marriage. If you think I'm crazy, then I'll let someone with a lot more experience and wisdom than myself explain it her way:
Why does your hubby (or wifey :D) rock?

I am the only person who has the ability to add blogs to the MHR blogroll. If you are a MHR blogger, and have not been added to the blogroll, plase comment or e-mail me at katylinvw{at}yahoo{dot}com and I will gladly add you to our little group!!!
(if you would like to add the MHR Fridays button to your sidebar, use this code ).
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If you're not a blogger, but still want the world to know about your amazing husband (or wife, or husband to be, or wife to be, etc.) leave a shout-out in the form of a comment! If you're unable to comment, e-mail me at katylinvw [at] yahoo [dot] com and I'll add your shout out to this post!
As always, on Fridays Union 28 will refund your shipping on any order of two or more items if you mention the great adventure and ~my husband rocks! Fridays~ in the "how did you hear about us?" section of your order form, so run on over there and check them out, too! Thank you Union 28!
Hope you all have a fantastic Friday, and a wonderful weekend!

What a blessing - a husband (or wife) who walks with the Lord. Have a blessed weekend!