Monday, July 28, 2008

Pop-up Adventures

Happy Monday everybody! Hope y'all had a great weekend! Our weekend was spent on our first official camping trip in our brand new (to us) pop-up camper!


We had a grand old time :)

We purchased the camper last weekend from friends of a friend (who happen to work for the same company as I do), and they gave us a great deal on it.

For a pop-up it is very roomy and comfortable.





We had hoped to pull it out and camp last Saturday evening (the night we took it home), but we did not really have time to get it out to a campground, so we popped it up where it sat in our driveway, and proceeded to spend the entire night out there - even though it poured harder than I can remember it raining in several weeks! It was definitely a true test of storm-worthiness, and the little pop-up passed with flying colors!

In the morning, to complete our mini "camping" trip, we carted out breakfast and ate at our cute little dinette :)


The title to this vehicle is also the very first title that has both of our married names on it :) which is pretty cool!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh what fun Katy Lin! I remember the first time we used our married names togather...such a neat feeling! It really makes it feel official! I'm glad you guys had a special weekend together! Have a great Monday!

  2. That looks like so much fun! I know there will be more to come!

  3. Katy Lin,

    That looks like fun. We love camping in our camper, we have had a few, but never a "pop-up" type. Fun! Fun1

  4. That looks like fun! I bet those are great in the fall too. You can curl up in a thick sleeping bag and feel the cool air. Ahh! Awsome sleeping.

  5. How cool, it looks like a lot of fun. I love camping and you guys definitely know how to do it in style.

  6. My Sweet Hubby and I were just discussing taking a camping trip with a pop-up. But it will have to be a rented or borrowed one. I would love to buy one. I know we'd get out there more if we had one. We have a huge tent but I'm just not much of a tent person. A pop-up is as "roughing it" as I want to get!

  7. We have a 1972 Starcraft pop-up that my husband uses when he does the "man thing", but we're in the market for a new-to-us one as well...yours looks LOVELY!

  8. Uh-oh! I can see full-time RVing in your future! LOL Hi! I'm LaVon Baker and my wonderful hubby and I are full-timers by way of Christian Resort Ministries, International. Said wonderful husband is the chaplain of the RV park we are presently parked in... that's our ministry and we love it. Your welcome to check out our blog. Anyway, I am thrilled to read about young married women who love and respect their husbands and the role that God has given them. You are an inspiration.


Always great to hear from you! I ALWAYS read your comments, and they make my day!

Thank you!