Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Marriage Builder Monday - on a Tuesday :)

Hello and happy Tuesday!


I know I'm a day late on this one, but yesterday was our big BATW day! Thanks to everyone for your visits and your sweet comments! I am hoping to return the favor within the next couple of days :)


I am starting the book The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian, so one thing that I'm going to do for Austin this week, and for the next several, is to read this book and put it into practice. I have a tendency to just zip through a book and while I get a lot out of it, I know that in certain situations, it is best to read slowly, taking everything in and even rereading when necessary. Therefore, I am going to read just a single chapter per week, and take longer if I feel the need. This week's chapter is entitled "His Wife" and it's about looking at myself and what I need to improve upon rather than always thinking about and focusing upon the areas in which he needs to improve.


Another practical thing I am planning for Austin this week will happen on Friday evening. We are going away for our anniversary this weekend, and the trip involves a six-hour drive. Having just returned from a cross-country road trip to Florida in which he drove the bulk of the 25 hour drive (both ways), he is not particularly looking forward to the driving portion of our weekend. So, I am going to drive the entire way there, and if he would like, the entire way back. If he'll let me. Sometimes he's kind of macho about that. He feels responsible to get us there safely. He's so stinking cute! :)

Hope everyone's having a great, great Tuesday!


  1. Hi Katy Lin!
    I'm so glad you could join in!
    Great book choice...I'm about due for my annual re-reading of it! We'll be praying for safe travels for you and Austin!

  2. I've heard good things about that book, but I've never read it. Let me know if it's any good!

    I hope he lets you drive .. I know my hubs doesn't like giving over that control, even when he needs to break. Just makes him cranky :o) Hope you guys have a great trip! Sounds like fun :o)

  3. Katy Lin,

    I pray you will be blessed by the book! It is wonderful! Safe journeys to you and Austin as you travel.

    Blessings to you today!

  4. That is such a good book! I need to re-read it. I hope y'all have a good weekend!

  5. OH FINALLY!!! Ms. Oklahoma here...I've been trying since YESTERDAY to post a comment...and IT WOULD NOT LET ME!!! Sorry I'm late...you and your hubby are a sweet couple and sounds like you have it all together! Enjoy your anniversary trip :) Hope you had a great day in the spotlight!

  6. I've enjoyed reading your blog! My group of bible study gals did this book as a study a few years back and the transformations brought about by prayer were amazing! I still pull out my copy from time to time for guidance on prayers. I love your My Husband Rocks on Fridays I think I will join in sometime! Mr P and I have enjoyed over 12 years happily together! Happy Anniversary to you later this month!

  7. Great book!! I've read it & re-read it. However, we recently moved & I haven't been able to locate my copy...found it yesterday...will be reading with you!

  8. Hi Katy Lin,

    I have never read that book but I think I might pick it up and read through slowly as well. I am a zipper through too! This sounds like one to really take your time and savor.

    Have a safe, full filled, blessed trip.


  9. Happy Anniversary! May you have many, many more.


  10. Congrats on one year!! We are fast approaching 5 and a half. That first year 5 seemed like an eternity away...Oh how wrong I was!!


Always great to hear from you! I ALWAYS read your comments, and they make my day!

Thank you!