Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!


Delightful views of nature, dressed by art,
Enchant no longer this indifferent heart;
The Lord of alll things, in his humble birth,
Makes mean the proud magnificence of earth;
The straw, the manger, and the mouldering wall,
Eclipse its lustre; and I scorn it all.

Canals, and fountains, and delicious vales,
Green slopes and plains, whose plenty never fails; . . .
Rocks, lofty mountains, caverns dark and deep,
And torrents raving down the rugged steep;
Smooth downs, whose fragrant herbs the spirits cheer;
Meads crowned with flowers; streams musical and clear,
Whose silver waters, and whose murmurs, join
Their artless charms, to make the scene divine;
The fruitful vineyard, and the furrowed plain,
That seem a rolling sea of golden grain:

All, all have lost the charms they once possessed;
An infant God reigns sovereign in my breast;
From Bethelehem's bosom I no more will rove;
There dwells the Savior, and there rests my love.

~ Madame Guyon ~

I hope you all enjoy a most blessed Christmas and a wonderful, relaxing time with your family and friends. Austin and I head to Colorado today, but I will definitely be back for MHR Friday! (Although, we will not have an inspiration post this week.)

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!


  1. Have a wonderful trip! Merry Christmas!

  2. Have a wonderful trip to Colorado! And a very, merry Christmas!

  3. Beautiful!!! Have a great trip and a blessed and Merry Christmas!!




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