Monday, December 1, 2008

~ My Husband Rocks! ~ Thanksgiving Edition

Click here to read about why I started MHR Fridays!


For all my good intentions of starting the pre-MHR prompt/theme posts yesterday, with all of the holiday hullaballoo, it just did not happen. I apologize to anyone who stared at the web browser all day refreshing multiple times to see what our first theme day would be. :S Tune in next Thursday, for our actual, real, live very first pre-MHR prompt/theme post (we need to come up with a better name for that)!

We got some good prompt ideas last week, but they are always welcome! Also, if you come across any good articles, books, movies, etc. relating to marriage, please share those with us as well!


The holiday season got its official kick off in a big way for us this Thanksgiving. We always have a great time and we love spending time with family members who we do not see as often as we would like!

However, due to all of the crazy fun, and the insane late hours that we kept this weekend, all of my schedules are out of whack - including my blogging schedule! So, for the first time I am posting my My Husband Rocks on a Monday, instead of a Friday! Sorry about the slackerishness :) Hope everybody had a fantastically amazing Thanksgiving!

This week, I've got two reasons to share!

Last Saturday (the weekend before Thanksgiving), Austin decided that we should truly take a day off, so we did not work on the house, or go anywhere, we got the entire second season of Prison Break from the library and stapled our hind ends to the couch (not literally, that's bad for the upholstery), and watched all 22 episodes! He rocks because he came up with an amazingly relaxing and enjoyable weekend that the two of us could both enjoy equally and together without spending a dime!

Secondly, it will never cease to amaze me how easy it is for Austin to make everyone laugh. I have always wanted to have this ability, but I have neither the timing nor the quick wit to be able to get the good lines in the heat of the moment. Austin excels at this - even in tense situations, or conversations that are difficult. This can be slightly frustrating when in the midst of an argument, especially when I am angry, and he is able to make me laugh. Although, in all honesty, I would prefer laughing to being angry anyway :) - and he always knows how to make me laugh!

Austin, I am VERY thankful for you! Thank you for being a great husband and my best friend. I love that we are able hang out and enjoy each other no matter what we are doing! I love you hunnybear!


Be sure to check in with the other ladies who are bragging on their rocking hubbies today by clicking on the "My Husband Rocks Participants" button in the left sidebar.

(if you would like to add the MHR Fridays button to your sidebar, use this code ).

<a href=""><img src=""/></a>

If you're not a blogger, but still want the world to know about your amazing husband (or wife, or husband to be, or wife to be, etc.) leave a shout-out in the form of a comment! If you're unable to comment, e-mail me at katylinvw [at] yahoo [dot] com and I'll add your shout out to this post!

As always, on Fridays From*me Tees will refund your shipping on any order of two or more items if you mention the great adventure and ~my husband rocks! Fridays~ in the "how did you hear about us?" section of your order form, so run on over there and check them out, too! Thank you From*me Tees!

Thanks for reading everybody! Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. I've totally gotten out of whack with my schedule, too. I do, however, look forward to the theme MHRF! : )

  2. Ok, I admit I refreshed my web browser many times. BUT - I didn't think you were slacking, I was a little bit worried! LOL Glad you had a fabulous weekend:)


Always great to hear from you! I ALWAYS read your comments, and they make my day!

Thank you!