Monday, October 13, 2008

SITS Blog-a-thon!!!

A few months ago, Heather and Tiffany started the blogging experiment that is The Secret in The Sauce, affectionately known as SITS, as a way for bloggers to get exposure and connect with other bloggers through comment love and support. I love SITS, and although I don't always get there as often as I like, I check in as often as I can, and I have met a lot of great bloggy ladies along the way. The following are my top 5 of the hundreds (probably thousands) of fabulous potential bloggy friends you could find at SITS.

Kathy, at Mama's Losin' It

Debbie, at This is the Life and now Blog Around the World

Stephanie at Live.Laugh.Love.

Lula, at Lulaville


John Deere Mom

Be sure to check in at the blog-a-thon! They are giving away fantastic prizes every hour, and a phenomenal grand prize to one of us who's linking up :)

Have a teriffic Tuesday!


  1. Hi Katy Lin! Happy Blogathon Day! I called you out on my post because I love your My Husband Rocks! I haven't joined, just because it's not something I could keep up with, but I am careful to praise him in public and in private. It amazes him. :-)

  2. I gave you a bloggy award today! Check out my blog entry today to collect!


  3. Greetings via SITS and the blogathon - I am going on a whirlwind tour. Found you through another SITSa and now I am going to go to one of yours and so on and so on and so on...Happy day!

  4. Love the colors of your blog!

    Wanted to stop by and thank you for commenting on my laughter post with Laced with Grace today.

    Nice to meet you!

  5. Hello!

    Your blog is gorgeous! I am new to the SITStahood and I wanted to stop by to meet some new friensd.

    Have a great day!

  6. Oh I've been here before for My Husband Rocks day.

    Here's hoping you are enjoying the Blogathon as mush as I am.

  7. their little blog experiment is proving one thing - there are a lot of us crazy comment junkies out there!
    happy blogathon!

  8. I LOVE your blog. It's so cute, so much stuff to see and check out. And it's always so wonderful to meet another Christian woman, it really is. Thank God for SITS or my blog would be very decrepit of comments and God-fearing people.

  9. Hey! I'm new to SITs and having a ball with this blog-a-thon!!

    Off to check out your blog!!

    BTW - I see your FIREPROOF banner... GREAT movie!!!

  10. Your blog is so pretty! Coming thru from SITS!

  11. Katy are one of my favorites. Love you, girl. Happy Blogathon Day!!

  12. Happy Blogathon day! Yay for SITS! I love your blog layout and banner! So cute!

  13. Love your blog colors, so bright!


  14. I was such a faithful SITsta, but after being sick I almost completely forgot about them! I better get back on the SITS train! :)

  15. thanks for stopping by yesterday. You have the cutest blog and just the most infectious smile! I love it!

  16. Thanks so much for visiting during the Blogathon! Your site is really cute; I love the artwork in the banner!! I hope you enjoyed the Blogathon, and hopefully we'll cross paths again soon!

  17. Hey Hey Hey!
    Happy blogging!

  18. Oh, thanks for the shoutout. It made me VERY happy.

    I need to get in on this My Husband Rocks thing. Because mine does. He's kind of a Big Deal. To me. And God. And I'm blessed!

    And you rock!

  19. I'm so late getting around to all the blogs, but I started a week ago!


Always great to hear from you! I ALWAYS read your comments, and they make my day!

Thank you!